
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

She's Come a Long Way

Life is about growing and evolving.  As a mom, I have to constantly help my young kiddos learn the important lessons in life.  They are literally forming themselves as I type.  My daughter has a history of being very feisty.  Very...

It has been challenging to deal with.  Along the way, I realized that I played a role in it.  Maybe it was my reaction or what I was focusing on.  So I got to work and we renovated our relationship.  It has made a huge impact on her.

I decided to document it on a page.  The theme this month at Inside Out is Restore and the kit is full of beautiful goodies.  I loved this kit!  Ella and I have restored our dynamic.  I had fun with this page, adding some whimsy and using a diagonal design.

Most importantly, I told the story.  It is a record of how far we have come!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

For My Dad

The theme of the month over at Inside Out is Restore!  I love this word because is it healing and powerful.  I went right to the thought of restoring my faith.  Someone who has done that for me over and over again is my dad.  He restored my faith in men!  That restoration allowed me to feel safe enough to forgive in my life.

I will admit, this is not my favorite design ever.  But it doesn't matter.  The thoughts, ideas, and sentiments are what counts. 

This life is too short to hold onto fear or not trust in something.  I am just glad that I had my dad to help restore my faith at an early age.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Monday's Musings: Friendships

There is a saying, something about how you have some friends for life, some for a season and some for a reason.  I have been very lucky in life to have a great circle of friends that would qualify as the "for life" kind.  So what happens when there is a fall out.  What happens when a rift occurs?  And not just one when you are 14 or even 22.  I think you find your way back to each other, because it is too special not to.

I scrapped about this exact thing on one of my newest layouts using the Inside Out Visual Journaling kits.

These are two of my lifelong friends.  For Marcia and me, it was the 8th grade.  Tina came in 9th.  We have been together since.  I love these girls.  They are my sisters really and even though life is busy and we don't talk nearly enough, time stands still.
Except for once when two of us had an issue.  It was impactful. 

I share more of the story over at the Inside Our blog this month. Be sure to pop over to hear more and to gain inspiration from our whole team! 
Even though the rift was impactful, we found our way back.  Because that is what friends do.  Especially the most loyal ones.