
Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lovin the First of the Month!

Happy February! A time when love is in the air (except when Steve and I have cabin fever and are ready to kill each other, a month closer to spring (it is tooo cold!), and a month where I get a week off from work (extra scrappy time!). I am excited to share some stuff with you today.

First, the new catergory is up over at Category Stories! I love the prompt of "What I Love About..." as it is wide open, allowing for lots of creative freedom! The team is just so creative and I am truly inspired by them. Go check it out! Our cute little pictures are up along the sidebar! Yes, another self-portrait outing!
Here is my layout for the month. Journaling reads: I love how the two of you have bonded recently. You are quite aware that Cooper is more than just a dog, but a part of this family. This relationship will teach you about loyalty, responsibility, and kindness. Mostly, it will teach you about love! Be sure to link up your project by Feb. 28th to be eligible for a RAK!

In other great news, I have been invited to be a Tres Chic Guest Design for Scrapperie. It is another awesome forum with very friendly peeps and lots of talented ladies. I have been so lucky to find such cool places! Thanks to Sandi for the opportunity!

And, of course, I am all giddy about the Feb. issue of Magazine. I am still in love with this gig! My journaling column was all about using poetry on your layouts. Poetry you find, but also poetry you write. My guest designers (Jen, Nicole, Crystal, Brianne, and Stephanie were such good sports!) Here is a project I did for last months magazine when our sponsor was the very generous Cosmo Cricket!

How are you kicking off your February!?


  1. Oooh, love how you used the CC, and I love that LO, too! So sweet!! We're heading out to a superbowl party later... that's about it for our sunday, lol! Hope you're having a great weekend! Congrats on the GDT gig!

  2. Wow, i just stumbled across your blog. your work is great. i will definitely be coming back. cindyxxoo

  3. what an awesome layout of your dog, Stacey! Cute ideas for your projects!

    Congrats on the GDT spot! Well deserved my friend!

    Have a great week!

  4. LOVE the layout! You did a fantastic job with that zach's life line!

    And, thanks again for the opportunity to contribute to your column! I had a lot of fun with it :) Just let me know any time you need a GD...I love your column!

  5. Awesome projects girl! Love, love, love that layout!


Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous day!