
Thursday, May 28, 2009


Words of Caution: Don't follow up a killer 30-day Shred workout by Jillian with a strenous yoga workout by Bob (cute Biggest Loser guy trainer-I forget the last name). And, because I thought "hey it is just yoga--let's do a core exercise section too!", I let some crazy chick with very flat abs lead me through 12 minutes of stomach exercises. Not the best plan...Ouch!

I usually work out around 4:30 the days I don't pick up the kids. They get home about halfway through and love to join in. It is so cute to watch them try the moves. Makes me feel good because it promotes healthy living!

Speaking of my two kiddos, here they are again. I never tire of cute pictures of them hugging. Hopefully you won't either! LOL!

The journaling reads: A hero-when he shows you how to be a friend, when he finds your lost toy & when he yells out for you to be careful on the playscape. Your hero, even when his face is covered with mud.

Off to crash now--here is to hoping I can get out of bed in the morning!


  1. Stacey....I kust love this one!!! What a great story behind the page and great pics!!!! I love all the happy colors and the detail work!!!!! You are so very talented and I so enjoy your Blog!!!! Have a great weekend and I hope you can move today!!!! :)

  2. Such a cute layout! I love the colors and the picture! Very cute!

    I also love workout days like you described! Not being sure if you can roll out of be the next day really makes you feel accomplished!

  3. This has to be one of my most favorite of your layouts! The pics, the journaling...fantastic!

    WTG with that workout! All the moans and groans are so worth it! Keep up the good work!!!

  4. what a great lo. and i hear you about exercise overload. but you'll have a flat stomach. no pain no gain-bah! lol!

  5. Love the layout! Good luck recuperating from the workout! :)

  6. totally adorable! Love brother and sister layouts like this - guess I'm a little partial. ;)

  7. Cute! I love that numbers print paper and what a sweet photo.

  8. lol WHEN YOU ARE DONE WITH THAT .. you need to do her Boost Your Metabolism another circuit of her .. it is the female version of P90X .. LOVE your work .. but you already know that .. lol

    hugs boo

  9. Another adorable page-such a cute photo. I love the green mat - it makes everything pop

    Hope you have a great weekend & that every step you take doesn't remind you of the double dose of exercise lol


Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous day!