
Saturday, July 21, 2012

Home Sweet Home to My Everyday Love Story

What an amazing week at CHA...I loved every single second! I had work in the Teresa Collins and Webster's booth as well as Lilly Bee Designs.  It is fun to see your stuff hanging next to all the gorgeous work of others that you admire. I have many pictures to share and stories to tell...coming tomorrow.

But for today, I am home enjoying my family. I was so happy to see Steve and the I got all teary-eyed happy.

Today I grocery shopped and dusted. I did laundry. I loved my back to reality life...I will always love it because it means that I am home.

I have a fitting layout love story with Steve has afforded me all these blessings. I truly adore this man...respect and love only grow over time.

Because he gets me and I get him. Together, we made beautiful babies.

I used the new Vintage Finds line by Teresa Collins...her collections are just incredible!  This one stole my heart...this brooch...

I would have worn that on the back of my wedding gown if it had existed back then...

And the glitter borders...I don't always do bling, but I couldn't stop using these sparkly beauties!

Off to work out and make reality.  My love story.


  1. OH LOVE that layout!!! So nice to hear you had a fantastic time.

  2. Oh Stacey...this is beautiful! I can't wait to get my hands on that collection! Glad you had a great time!


Thank you for visiting my blog! Have a fabulous day!