
Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Look What's New!

Am I soo lucky? I got happy mail the other day! A big box from The Nook! Inside was the prettiest kit around. I must say that I am in love with Pink Paislee. The colors are just amazing. It is funny because they are fall colors but you soo don't need to use them just for fall layouts. I find them to also be masculine and classic. Also in the kit are beautiful goodies from Chatterbox (and we know how I feel about Chatterbox!). A never-ending supply! Here is my first layout using the September kit. Don't Steve and I look a bit tired in this picture---I have no make-up on at all! So the title "Well-worn" popped into my head. The journaling was born from there. Journaling: Well-worn means many things. When something has lost a little of its polish...It is scuffed up a bit, frayed around the edges. Not as new & shiny. Even--tired. But, well-worn also means familar. Comfortable. Something kept over time. It means well-loved. When I think of us--well-worn comes to mind. Both senses of the word. But mostly, the part about being loved.


  1. It's gorgeous!!! Love everything about it!!!

  2. Very wonderful layout! Love it! May have to lift it!

  3. Very pretty! I love pink paislee! You rocked the kit!

  4. fabulous layout! i love the journaling! :)

  5. This layout is so gorgeous, Stacey! I totally agree with you - I have yet to use my new PP goodies on a fall or halloween LO as they're so versatile and can be used in other ways!

  6. absolutely love the look of this one

  7. You look fantastic girl!! Love your work!!

  8. I'm a Pink Paislee lover too. ;) I love your layout and the journaling is just amazing!

  9. Stacey this is gorgeous!
    I saw your dog layout in Making Memories magazine and loved that one too!
    I frequent Wiggles and Giggles and I saw you made the design team, Congratulations girl, well deserved! I wanted so badly to try out for that team but it is about 45 minutes from my house and with the gas the way it is I couldn't bring myself to have to go back and forth to drop things off! I was so mad about that, Cause I really wanted to try!
    I look forward to seeing your work. Great job!!!!

  10. Darling layout. I just ordered some of that Pnk Paislee too it's wonderful. Have a great day!!! xo xo xo


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