
Sunday, August 10, 2008

We're Back!

We had so much fun at the beach! Well, I more tolerated the beach because I am not the biggest "sea, sand & sun" fan! The sun and I are not friends, but I guess that is why they make umbrellas! My kids on the other hand loved the beach. They had so much fun hanging out with their cousin Christian! Look at the photo with the ketchup shirst. Auntie Titi bought those because Ella is just obsessed with ketchup--puts in on everything including bananas and blueberries. Yuck, we know! But aren't the t-shirts soo stinkin' cuter? Steve's family uses the saying, "We are building memories." I totally felt like we did that this week! I can't wait to scrap my photos to make sure they remember how enjoyable it was!

So now, only a few more weeks until school is back. It has been a great summer so far--time to hold on tight to the last few days!


  1. SO glad you are back safe and sound! YAY for fun! The kids look SOOO cute in those t-shirts!! Cannot wait to see more pictures!

  2. Looks like a blast!! Your kids are so cute with those shirts! (and of course cousin C too)

  3. such wonderful pictures! now I am stalking to see them scrapped.


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