I find it harder and harder to have friendships the older I get. It really is just about having enough time to give to all aspects of life. Girlfriends are sometimes left behind when we grow up, find our mates and start families. The funny thing is that we need our girlfriends the most at that point in life. Friends keep it real, give an outlet and make you feel like you. I have many friends, but very few really good friends. Two of them, Marcia and Tina, live down in the southern part of the state so unfortunately we don't see each other much. I moved away from my hometown a long time ago so making new friends was important. Many of these friends were people I worked with.
About six years ago, five of us girls (three teachers, an Occupational Therapist, a Speech/Language Pathologist) found ourselves working together during the summer program for special needs students. We had a blast together and decided to have a craft night. Don't we always talk about doing this kind of stuff, but can never make it work with schedules? Well, we did make it work. We brought our glue guns, cardstock and stamps. We didn't make one thing. But we did laugh. And every month, minus 5 or 6 of them, for the past six years we have had a Girl's Night or GN as we like to call it. We usually have dinner at one house and everyone brings a part of the meal. It has become a necessary and special part of my life. The journaling on this layout reads: What started out as a craft night has turned into so much more. I can't imagine life without you girls. We laugh, cry, argue & reflect with each other. Those moments help keep me sane. You girls have gotten me through the best & worst of times. I know that I can truly be myself with I'm with you. Here's to once a month for the past six years and to many more years to come! Maybe we'll actually do crafts one of these days!
Love ya Sue, Jenn, Karen & Emily!!!