it really is.
I have a wonderful family. We have spent the past two and a half months co-habiting with my mother-in-law and father-in-law. It went soo well.
but as of yesterday, that blip in time is over. It is just the four of us in our new home. And we feel grateful. I have no bedroom furniture right now, just our new mattress sitting all alone in the middle of the room. A year ago I would have hated the thought of that as I like to have things just-so. But today, I am so appreciative that I can sleep on the same floor as my kids, right next to Steve. No bedroom, no problem.
I changed the past few months, learned about flexibility and change. My saying...It is what it is.
It is interesting living with other people. It changes you because you start to see yourself through their lense. You parent differently quite simply because you don't want to look like a raving lunatic...LOL! I lowered my voice a bit and realized my kids responded better to it. I learned to approach things more positively with them. I got that from my mother-in-law.
I also learned from watching Teenie and Tom. They are happy. Live life the way they want and they have a great dynamic. You don't get to see that at family dinners or holidays. But I saw it and realized I wanted to replicate parts of that in my own marriage.
I am a moody person, no doubt. But again, when you see people who are not moody exchanging pleasantries and being happy with simple conversation, you evaluate yourself. I realized the power of a good morning or how was your day, even when you just want to be alone.
And my mother-in-law. She would not let me stay in those moods because she would say something funny or chase me around the house to try to kiss me. And the funk would be broken. She is very forgiving and understanding and she sees the best in me. I will miss her (although not a certain clucking sound or plastic cups with straws...giggle).
I am so not perfect and I will lose it with my kids, will wake up grumpy and will get defensive with Steve. I wouldn't be Stacey Michaud if I didn't. But I have seen a different way, have acted a different way. I like how it makes me feel. So we are going for 90-10.

Supplies: All Pink Paislee mixing Starlight with 365 Degrees!Life.Is.Good.