Ah, one of those weeks were I can't get here. No matter how hard I try or how many pages I have to post! It has been busy! This guy turned five today.

He is a joy and a blessing. He has challenged me to look more carefully at myself and he has made me laugh a million times!
I baked him a special cake this weekend.
Well, actually my DH had to help because I got my fingers wrapped around the beater. Yes, I was holding the inside of the beater with my right hand. I pushed it into the hand held electric mixer and it switched on. Twisted, sprained fingers.
Umm, words of advice. Be sure it isn't plugged in before you try to put the beaters into the back. My SIL told me not to share that story, but I needed to explain why the cake came out a bit messy. Cute, but messy!

The idea and step--by-step instructions are on the Betty Crocker site!
I have a cold, hate my new haircut and feel too busy. Hmmm...just call me happy sunshine these days. It will pass, but boy, do I hate being in a funk!
Maybe this will make me happy...a layout about how Steve makes me laugh. Nathan got his sense of humor from Daddy.

All supplies are from the September Studio Calico kit. I also made this layout for the new challenge over at
Category Stories. Head over and participate to be eligible for a cool prize!
Gotta run. My fingers are sore from typing.
Just call me Grace...