Today was the first day that I saw the shine in his eyes again and it was nice!
The arrival of March brings new opportunities, more play dates, and lots of sibling interactions. I have some fun scrappy stuff coming up in the next few days so keep your eye out! Soon it will be progress report time and parent/teacher conferences. We will hopefully sell our house quickly and will begin moving.
During this time of uncertainity, I will hang on tight to these two. My love bugs, the lights of my life. They bring a softness to me that no one else can and I am very grateful.

This layout appeared in the Feb. issue of Scrapstreet. We were sent this gorgeous Theresa Collins paper to play with and I truly enjoyed it!
Speaking of March, be on the lookout for the new issue of Scrapstreet. There is a nice surprise for me! And, rush on over the to Nook to order the March kit featuring Pink Paislee's Bayberry Cottage! If you sign up for a one year membership to the kit club, you will receive a free February kit (the one with the gorgeious Origins line). You also get your 13th kit FREE!!! So, you get two kits for free! Go here to check it out!
Enjoy the last few days of February!