My little stretch of good luck with Memory Makers magazine continues on! This layout is in the July/August issue and I couldn't be happier. I really loved how it turned out and am thrilled that it got a little love. I have to laugh because I avoid being in a bathing suit as much as humanly possible and actually refuse to take off the terry cloth pants I am wearing in this picture. It figures that a photo of me in such bathing suit and pants would get picked up for publishing. HeHe! I really adore the journaling on this one. It reads: There we are as usual--leaning on each other for support. I just love this family--2 boys + 2 girls, 2 adults + 2 kids, 2 daredevils + 2 a little more cautious. No matter how you add it up, it equals 4 happy & lucky Michauds. Lean away everyone--we will not fall!
I have been scrapping a ton, but can't share much. Two layouts are for submission to ScrapStreet. The end of the month is upon us so get those submissions in AND be sure to check out next months calls in just a few days. I am working on a layout to submit for a special newstand issue of Memory Makers. It is all about scrapping spaces. I have a great title, concept, cool little non-scrappy item I think will fit--yet I can't put it all together. Hate that. I either need to go way simple or layer the crap out of it--you know, go big! I have lost the bug to submit to print mags these days! I am hoping to have some more luck with MM to get me going again. Off to make dinner. Well, to take the pizza out of the box! Then you wonder why I don't like to be in a bathing suit. LOL!