Thursday, April 30, 2009
if you have seen it, tell it to come home
I am lonely...
While some of my mojo might be gone, let's hope that yours is not! The Nook is hosting a huge five week challenge with AMAZING prizes.
We are talking a grand prize of becoming a design team member for 6 months! HELLO!!! 6 months of those kits--how can you refuse! First runner-up earns a 2 month long guest designer gig, and the second runner up gets to be a guest designer for one month. This is such a great opportunity that will get you scrapping, keep you challenged and help you create some great stuffs!!! Go here for more!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hot, Hot, Hot!

It is going to be a hot one today! I don't want to complain, but....going from winter to summer is not fun! I want a little spring! I have been enjoying the card making process lately! Not stressing out about design too much helps! Made this card for the card feature over at The Nook--only a few more days left, so go check it out! I love the Pink Paislee chipboard and look at how the rectangular piece looks like a door for the house. Don't know if they meant to do that, but it works! Did my chimney smoke trick with the ribbon again! Hey, if its not broke, don't fix it! LOL!
Speaking of hot, look at the new May kit from The Nook! I got happy mail yesterday and I am so excited to use this. Here is my problem--I have too many pictures and am feeling overwhelmed with choosing what I want to use! HELP!

The kit features Lilybee, some gorgeous trim from Webster's and my favorite letters from Basic Grey! Yummy! Perfect for spring--if we ever have one!:)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
It Was a GREAT Day...

The pictures tell the story...
a girl who really is a beautiful princess
has the party of her dreams
complete with a homemade Cinderella cake
time with family
and bubbles
Her smile sums it up! I am just lucky enough to be able to watch it all unfold!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Going Green
When I saw this packaging from Pink Paislee, I knew I wanted to reuse it! (Considering I had three of them! LOL!)
I cut the back/top part (real technical) off of it and made a clear gift box out of it! I used the scraps from my April Nook kit to make a sleeve. Just got a Scor-it and wow!--do I love it! I simply scored a piece of paper sized at 3.25 inches X 12. I scored at 1 inch, 4 inches, 1.2 inch, 4.2 inches and folded to make my sleeve. Some adhesive to hold the ends together and the hard part was done!
Here is the trick! I also made a hidden gift card holder! See the blue and orange paper--it is a pocket!
I cut it to be 3.75 X 4 inches and put a thin strip of adhesive along each side and the bottom. I placed in on the sleeve. The Maya Road Sheer is placed on top of the blue and orange to hide most of the gift card. Add the chipboard stem, brad and other decorations and, viola!, a gift box! I put Coffee Nips inside since I am giving a Dunkin Donuts card with the box! Imagine doing this for any occasion--it would be so easy to customize and puts your plastic packaging to good use!
Here are some other shots!
Hope my co-worker enjoys this little token! Feels good to recycle and reuse--every little bit helps!
Off to get ready for Ella's birthday party--making a Cinderella cake! Pictures to come later! (I hope-LOL!)
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Just Because

I have a million pictures I printed with the good intentions to scrap--then they just sit there. So I am tackling them. I just got the word that my box from the Marks Paper Company is on its way! I am so excited to be a guest designer for them and can't wait to use the product!
Busy day today--princess birthday party for one of Ella's friends and then dinner out with my hubby! Love date nights!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
These Guys

These guys are cousins, born 5 weeks apart. They are best friends and stick together through and through. My sister in law is the Great Organizer of the family. She loves to plan activities and trips-it is in her blood. Me, not so much. I totally appreciate that she does this because we have done some great things as a family. Last year, we went to see Thomas and, of course, she came prepared with bandanas and train whistles. Look at them together. Don't they just ooze "trouble"?
The journaling sums it up: We can see it coming. You two get that look & egg each other on. Then you ignore us. That is why you are the time-out twins.
Oh, some days, these guys just need to be separated. Most days, they just really love each other!
Made this using some of the Dream Street I won! It is all yummy and I love these colors for boys. I am struggling lately to find good "boy" paper...Oh well! More reason to shop!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Apparently I Have Three Kids

Yep, Nathan, Ella and my thirty-something year old husband, Steve. He is such a kid at heart, which is not a bad thing. It was nice outside yesterday so we went for a walk and a stop at the park. I got some shots of everyone enjoying themselves.
We call Nathan the great observer. That kid notices things I would never see. He is in tune with nature! Gosh, he is getting so big. He has been asking "am I 5 years old yet?" a lot. No, but he looks it!
He likes to gather and collect common things. Apparently, no matter where we go!
My Ella-belle, playing peek-a-boo. She has her daddy's meatball eyes:
Nathan and Daddy. They adore each other. There is a part in the movie Cars where Lightning McQueen says, "Hey, Big Fella" to the fire truck. There is a tone of friendship and kindness when he uses that term. Well, that is what Nathan calls his dad, Big Fella. Sigh...
I have been scrapping a bunch, but can't post yet! Soon! Off to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner. Can't wait---I love the caramel turtle one. I can just feel the extra five pounds now! LOL!
By the way, did you notice the new banner??? What do you think?
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Top Ten

It is a top ten kinda day here in my neck of the world. The sun is shining and it is about 65 degrees! Just gorgeous. And the best part--I am on vacation so I can truly enjoy it, no rushing off to fit chores in! Hopefully, we are busting out the grill tonight and then it will really feel like spring.
Speaking of spring and top ten, I just love the colors of this Basic Grey collection! Holy wow! I have fun making this layout with all the buttons! It documents all the top ten things that my kids love right now. One example, they have both been waking up at about 5:45 A.M., yes you read it right. When I say that it is too early, they say, "but it is a sunny day." Can't argue with that. They have great affection for the 100 calorie pack of fudge strips. Except they call them zebra cookies. Giggle! Got to write it all down because I know these memories won't last forever!
Oh, I would love to make it to the top ten in the ScrapStreet Star contest. 50% of the points come from votes, so if you would like, please help a girl out. Voting is from Saturday 11:00 a.m. until Sunday at 4:00 p.m. Visit here and vote under Round Three voting. You can't miss my layout! Thanks for your support!
Off to enjoy the weather! Happy weekend everyone!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I Can Make It
And, yeah, I really need to change this ugly banner on the top of my blog! It hits me every time I come here!
Here is a layout for the new category of Going to the Movies over at Category Stories! Come and play!!!

Sunday, April 12, 2009
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Just a Little Something
The other place you should pop over to is The Nook. We are hosting a card-a-day feature for the month of April. Such pretty stuff. Here is my first card. I made it using a Maya Road sheer and Pink Paislee goodies all found in the April kit!

I need to enjoy the card-making process more, but struggle a bit. All you card makers, give me some tips and useful advice!
Enjoy your weekend and your Easter holiday!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Full Speed Ahead

Journaling reads: Fearless, confident, adventurous, free--All words I would use to describe you. Fiercely independent, you like to make your own decisions. Keep these traits as you move forward in life. Go...full speed ahead!
Some quicky snippets: Congrats to all of my talented friends for either making the GCD team or being spotlighted in some way! I am so excited for you all!
Be sure to check out the Pink Paislee blog---they showcased our kit and some design team layouts, including one of my favorites! Yeah!
Have a great day--if you can slow down enough to enjoy it!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
It's the Weekend
He always makes the comment that he is a guy who likes things simple. This layout is a tribute to that and to the kind of guy he is. Journaling reads: You live 3 minutes away from your hometown. You play softball with your friends from high school & you still work one shift in everyone's favorite local restaurant. You see your extended family regularly and you always kiss your mom good-bye. I love all of this. I love you.

And, this is sorta weird for me, but the ScrapStreet Star Contest has closed round one. The contest winner is chosen through 50% votes and 50% judging. There are five rounds in all. If you would like to check out all of the entries and vote for your top five, that would be awesome. Just click here and then go to the Round One voting thread. You do have to register to vote. Voting closes tomorrow evening. My layout is titled Again. No pressure and I wouldn't want you to vote unless you thought it was worth it. KWIM!?
Hope you have a great weekend!
Friday, April 3, 2009
On a Lighter Note
Friends and family, especially these guys have brought me so much peace in life:

This is one of the layouts documenting the little, everyday moments in life. Even though is it a little moment, I hope these times stick with my kids the most. The giggles and snuggles!
I did this layout for the new April 1st challenge over at Category Stories. I hope you play along this month! We will pick a winner who will receive a prize pack from The Paper Pixie--a very cool Etsy shop!
TGIF everyone!