September is just about here! (Gosh, how time flies!) If it hasn't been back to school time, it will be this week. Right after you send your kids back or watch your family members start the year, head on over to The Nook and enroll in Nook University. Check out the details about this contest:
School starts at the Nook on September 7th! Are you enrolled?
Each week will feature a variety of subjects for which you will need to complete assignments to earn points toward graduation! All assignments will be graded by our faculty (otherwise called Design Team) on a curve, and at the end of the semester (otherwise known as Sept 28th) our Nook Valedictorian will become the October guest designer (complete with a lovely October kit!), and receive a $20 Nook gift certificate!
Competition will be steep, and students will have to study hard, stay on their toes and be ready to dive into assignments, extra credit and be on the look out for the always scary Pop Quizzes that are sure to surprise!
To enroll in the Nook University please add your name to this thread!! Tution is free.
So grab your back-to-school supplies and your enthusiam for learning and come join us! I will tell you that being a guest designer is worth every fun second! Leah knows how to put together a great kit! I am still creating with it. Here is another layout where I used mostly the kit and added some stuff of my own! Journaling reads: Journaling: As you look forward in life--do so with hope & wonder. Gaze out & imagine what life can be. i also want you to try to live in the moment. Be present. Instead of looking forward, look inward. Look upward. Hope & wonder...
Words we should all maybe remember...